Make the Most of Your Health Insurance Benefits with Acupuncture

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Don’t let your 2024 health insurance benefits go to waste! Acupuncture can help relieve pain, reduce stress, and restore balance—perfect for ending the year on a healthy note.

Make the Most of Your Health Insurance Benefits with Acupuncture

As the year winds down, it’s a perfect time to review your insurance benefits before they reset on December 31st, 2024. If your policy renews at the start of the year, chances are your deductible has been met, which means your benefits are now at their most valuable! After your deductible is satisfied, your insurance typically covers a larger portion of your treatments, making acupuncture more affordable.

But why choose acupuncture? Acupuncture is a proven way to relieve chronic pain, stress, and fatigue, and it’s highly effective for headaches, back pain, and neck pain—conditions that affect so many of us, especially during the holiday season. By stimulating specific points on the body, acupuncture helps release tension, improve circulation, and activate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Patients often report improved energy, reduced anxiety, and better sleep as additional benefits.

Don’t Let These Benefits Slip Away!

Here’s something to keep in mind: Out of Pocket Maximum (OPM) is the amount you’ll need to pay for covered treatments before your expenses drop to zero for the rest of the year! Any co-pays, co-insurance, or other out-of-pocket medical costs you’ve paid can count toward this total. Once you hit your OPM, the rest of your treatments for the year are completely covered.

Also, if you have a Health Savings Account (HSA), Flexible Spending Account (FSA), or Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA), make sure to use those funds before December 31st – otherwise, you may lose any remaining balance. The good news is, acupuncture is an eligible expense, so you can use these accounts to pay for your treatments!

Let Us Help You Maximize Your Benefits

If you’re unsure about when your insurance benefits reset or have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re happy to help you navigate your plan so you can make the most of your benefits before they expire. Call us at (503) 272-6646, or book online!

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