How does SAD/Seasonal Affective Disorder affect you?

How does SAD/Seasonal Affective Disorder affect you?

Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatment Options

Nearly all of us living in the PNW experience mild to severe SAD symptoms through Fall/Winter. SAD begins and ends at about the same times every year. If you’re like most people with SAD, your symptoms start in the fall and continue into the winter months, sapping your energy and making you feel moody. These symptoms often resolve during the spring and summer months.

We have several treatment protocols at our disposal to help you through this omnipresent issues. Options available are a customized Acupuncture Treatment and custom capsulated Herbal Formula along with medicinal supplements.

  • ~Get a custom Chinese Herbal Formula to help move your Qi (energy) and blood circulation.
  • ~Change your bedroom or study room light bulbs to daylight bulbs. Whichever room you tend to spend the most time reading.
  • ~Take Vitamin D daily. Dosage depends on various criteria. See me.
  • ~Take Deproloft- Thorne Research 2 caps 2x/daily
  • ~Walk outside daily for at least 20. min or inside a gym 30 min daily.
  • ~Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier.
  • ~If you’re having trouble mentally functioning in the morning, JUMP! Yes, Jump! Jump up and down for 2 minutes alternating slapping your hands lightly on your upper chest. You may start laughing and that’s ok. Just laugh!
  • ~Eat fermented foods or take probiotics daily. At least 70% of our immune system is located in our gut. A healthy probiotic balance (good bacteria to help with digestion and proper hormone balancing is crucial to healthy immunity).
  • ~Drink 1/2 your body wt. in oz.’s of H2O daily, preferably with electrolytes.
  • ~Cover your neck/head when outside this time of year.

Following all of these suggestions and precautions will limit your SAD symptoms and keep you healthy throughout the rainy season. I carry all above mentioned herbal formulas and nutraceuticals in the clinic. Just ask the next time you’re in.

More Notes From Kaz


****If you’re involved in an Auto Accident in OR/WA (as a driver, passenger, pedestrian or bicyclist) you are eligible for up to $15,000 (potentially $25,000 depending on your coverage) of FREE healthcare, including Acupuncture, Massage.****

Self-Care is NOT Selfish Care!

You know the old adage you can’t pour from an empty cup? It’s even more relevant in todays modern world with a multitude of busy tasks awaiting us every moment of the day.

Did you ever hear the flight attendant say, “In the event of an air cabin pressure emergency, an air mask will drop from above and you must affix the mask to yourself BEFORE helping others.”?

I say this because most of us take care of someone else other than ourselves. Don’t forget that YOU COME FIRST and YOU MATTER. Taking care of yourself is NOT selfish of you. Taking care of yourself is self-care! An important distinction.

Take the time and energy to take care of yourself first which will allow you the time and energy to take care of others afterwards. You’ll be glad you did and so will the people you take care of.

 Book an appointment with Kaz now or call (503) 272-6646 for more information.

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